
Architecture Engineer Swim network design support
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington DC 20591
IceTech Supported the Office of Systems Engineering and Safety (AJP-1) for designs, plans and the implementation of system improvements and interfaces, developed the system engineering policies and standards, managed and controls the configuration and architecture, developed designs for the system's modernization, and coordinates and participates in technical programs with throughout the federal government. Updated the NAS Architecture and further evolution by conducting analyses and provide architecture impact assessments of proposed changes as directed.
IceTech provided expertise and support to identify opportunities for system integration and incorporate pertinent information into the NAS Architecture database in accordance with approved architecture update processes for integrate new or additional concepts of operation into the NAS Architecture for all lines of business. Identified potential impacts of the NAS Architecture on other FAA services such as aviation regulation, certification, and inspection; aviation security; airport planning. Review and evaluate pertinent information and update/maintain the architecture database to include, capabilities, drawings, project schedules, segment and system descriptions, Enterprise Architecture (EA) Views, and site-specific deployment schedules. Database maintenance includes aligning the architecture database capability schedules with approved budgets. Develop and participate in briefings; participate in off-site architecture reviews, workshops, conferences, and other forums; and develop and distribute architecture brochures, information papers, meeting minutes, or other products from the architecture database as directed.
Icetech provided technical, engineering, and program management support to the SWIM Program Office which was performed in accordance with the SWIM Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Icetech established and executed a technical and cost reporting system that correlated to the SWIM work packages provided in the SWIM WBS. This reporting process provided correlated tracking of work performed under this requirement. To further develop SWIM concepts in support of NextGen and SWIM capabilities.
Icetech performed the following tasks:
Technical Management Support Lead—provided a Program Manager (PM) with sufficient corporate and government experiences and authority to address management, organization, responsibility, and controls; PM prepared status reports of contract activities to present and discuss with the Contracting Officer (CO) or designated representative; a) provided assistance to capture, develop, prepare, organize, review, track, analyze and disseminate essential elements of information to include:
- Develop technical concept briefings and presentations.
- Capture and publish meeting minutes.
- Capture and publish action items, risk management issues, and lessons learned.
- Provide Web site information updates.
- Provide input to the SWIM Knowledge Services Network (KSN).
- Provide input to the SWIM external website.
- Generate and provide program budget data.
- Generate and provide schedule information and updates.
- Provide product status information, and
- Develop and provide SWIM Program briefings and presentations.
b) Provided assistance (as coordinated with the SWIM Implementation lead) to the SWIM COIs and Implementing Programs, including Flight and Flow Management (FFM) COI, Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS), Terminal, and Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) to capture, develop, prepare, organize, review, track, analyze and disseminate essential elements of technical information relevant to SWIM.
Technical Engineering—IceTech provided general software and systems engineering processes and procedures to support the SWIM program; provided direct support to the SWIM Implementation Team; provided the following engineering tasks: supported engineering specialties including program-level system engineering, software design and applications, operational concepts and requirements definition, requirements management engineering and process improvements, technical documentation review, allocation of functional and performance requirements, functional design reviews, functional evolution, system engineering studies and assessment, technology assessments, technical risk assessments, cost and schedule risk assessments, independent cost analyses, life-cycle cost analyses, interface analyses (system-to-system), modeling and performance analyses, algorithm evaluation, reliability, maintainability and availability engineering, design evaluation, verification of requirements, interface development and management.
Representative tasks include, but are not limited to:
a) Provided technical engineering assessments during the program life cycle that included:
- Assisted with the evaluation of alternative hardware and software design capabilities.
- Conducted cost/benefits analyses.
- Defined operational and support requirements definition, ranking, tracing, and cross-reference.
- Conducted and provide system and subsystem analysis and design.
- Conducted technical reviews and written comments on Engineering Change Proposals (ECP), NAS Change Proposals (NCPs), NAS Program Initiatives (NPIs), Case Files, and Baseline Management Notices (BMNs).
- Conducted and/or witness test and evaluation activities.
- Provided strategies for SWIM implementation and sustainment alternatives.
- Assisted with the determination of concept exploration analysis and evaluation.
- Produced deployment, integration, and support to the NAS user communities.
Employed Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) concepts including logistics, training, and maintenance