
13300 Old Marlboro Pike
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772
Providing on Site Printer Maintenance, Repair and Installation
Provide On-Site Maintenance to existing Instructional and Administrative Desktop and Laptop Computers
Provide Tier 2 and 3 software and Hardwarew support
Responsible for the Helpdesk support for 290 schools in Prince Georges’ County. Over 10,000 PC that uses Microsoft products and Printer support Icetech provided on Site Maintenance to Existing Instructional and Administrative Desktop Computers and Printers support for all of the schools in Prince George County.
* Special Support projects:
Icetech supported the Prince George County schools’ system a massive virus removal effort, which shut down the schools’ system. Icetech deployed 45 temporary additional trained Technicians within a 12-hour period. Our staff implemented, documented and train the PGCPS helpdesk and staff on cutting the time in 1/2 on cleaning the schools infected systems, thru out Prince George, plus saving the county school system money and time.