William Hopson

Chief Executive Officer.
"When you are shooting for the stars you may still
hit the moon"
My philosophy is somewhat simple:
Pay no mind to those who talk about you behind your back, it’s simply means that you are three steps ahead of them and they are just trying to catch up with you! So stick with kindness and good values. Learn what is going on and adapt. Listen to others and use their ideas to better yourself.
Try very hard to stand up for what is right, but understand that there are so many, many ways to do the same thing right. Respect your family, your friends, ypur employees and the main one, your partner's opinions, and ways.
And always smile and help others and you will be truly bless...
Goals: My business goals now are: Being a role model thru mentoring, employment, training, guiding and meetings, with our youth and others who want to go to the next step in changing their standard of living and preparing them to meet tomorrow and their future challenge successfully.
Success story: 1999-2001 hired and trained at my expense 34 socially disadvantaged youth, and work with them closely on a major 16,000 desktop refresh installations at Health Care Federal Administration (HCFA) now CMS project that was located in NYC, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore.
Now just watching this group and following up with most of them that gone on to higher IT careers. And seeing how their quality of life improved is the greatest business success I feel I have achieved. - I feel very bless that I was a part in their Lifecycle development.